Published 15:35 on 29 Mar 2023
This is Your club for ALL members to take appropriate care:
Please respect the building and grounds;
Dispose rubbish at a refuse centre, this includes paint tins only domesticrubbish in the LSC bins no boat/engine items/wood/paint trays etc; Veolia can refuse to take the bins away;
When anti-fouling ensure the ground is protected and take away the coverings/trays/protective sheets and containers DO NOT USE THE LSC BINS to dispose of paint/anti-fouling remains;
The galley is for food/drink preparation only do not use the sink for washing paint containers/brushes etc: damage has been caused for 2 years running, this is unacceptable. Also, for all members to use this facility fairly please wash, dry and put away anything you use.
If anything at the club requires attention please report via the website or verbally to a committee member or the maintenance team;
Should any items found to be inappropriately utilised, the committee will review CCTV images and identify those responsible.
Sadly, the club has recently had a maintenance cost of £7000 to replace the waste-water pump. This was damaged beyond repair by an article of clothing being flushed down a toilet. The cost was avoidable as caused by a negligent act.
Please do Your bit Thank You!