Open only to LSC members.
RYA Day Sailing
Assumed knowledge : Skills and background knowledge to at least the standard of the Level 2 course
Duration: 2 days
Course content : Preparing and planning for a day cruise, pilotage and decision making including adverse conditions
Ability after course : Able to plan and execute a cruise, depending on conditions
Check the online calendar HERE for dates
Contact Dave Weinstock - RYA Principal for more information
Adult Dinghy RYA Training
The club runs RYA 1&2 courses for adult members.
The 4-day course costs £200 and is spread over two weekends. No prior experience necessary.
Check the online calendar HERE for dates
Contact Dave Weinstock
Register your interest HERE -
RYA Seamanship
Check the online calendar HERE for the dates.
This course is aimed at sailors who have reached the standard of the RYA Dinghy Level 2 course and want to take their sailing to the next level ( up to 6 people ). It will take them on to explore the theory of sailing and teach hands on skills to cope with potential difficulties experienced in sailing in a variety of areas and weather conditions.
Contact Dave Weinstock for further information.
Complete the Booking form HERE
Safety Training Video
Safety Boat
RYA Safety Boat - 2 days
This course provides the skills required to provide safety or support cover to a range of water craft.
Requirement: Must hold PB2 certificate and have a basic understanding of sailing. Minimum age 16.
To register your interest or to find out more information about upcoming courses, please email Dave Weinstock RYA Principal
Power Boat Level 2 - PB2
This two-day entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence.
Course content : Launching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard.
Ability after the course : Self-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft.