Langstone Sailing Club operates as a Self-Help Club. It depends on its members to carry out nearly all the activities needed to keep it going. Unless members step forward to undertake work then the Club will be unable to function. See below all Vacant roles:
NEW Assistant Membership Secretary
- Outline Job Description
The Membership Secretary administers the club membership records and invoices members for the club services that they use.The role of the assistant is to help manage the administration of Sailing Club Manager (SCM) and the accounting system, Quickbooks.
- Expanded Job Description
The Assistant Membership Secretary will be responsible for the following: -
- Management of Invoices and Membership records
- Records payment of the invoice SCM and QuickBooks.
- Upon receipt of payment, update SCM, to mark the invoice as paid.
- Mark invoices as paid in QB's.
- Resign members from SCM.
- Update SCM to show that the member has resigned and remove access to emails and members area of website
- Remove any renewal invoices that are no longer valid.
- Upon receipt of payment for new members
- Mark invoice in SCM as paid.
- Update the SCM record for the member(s)
- Create a logon on the website.
- Set Up club
- Update the record to show the year they joined
- Send out
welcome letters that includes car park sticker.
- Allocate fob to member and send in separate unmarked jiffy bag
- Create new customer in QuickBooks (QB),copy SCM invoice to QB and mark as paid.
- Software Essentials
This role will require access to a computer and the internet. This can be achieved in the club office, but the role can be done from home with post holder using their own computer and printer. Printer consumables (paper and ink) will be re-imbursed.
The assistant must become proficient with the following software: -
- Sailing Club Manager (SCM), Management of members, management of payments
- QuickBooks accounting software Management of Account Receivable
- HSBC Business UK App To access the bank account which payments are made.
- Stock
The role requires that stock is held:-
- Stamps
- Car Park Stickers
-Entry Fobs
The Langstone Sailing Club General Committee has Vacancies
Elected General Committee Members
The General Committee meets face to face at the Club, or remotely, on the second Monday evening of every month except August. Members are expected to attend as many meetings as they can and these usually take about two hours. Elected Members will have the opportunity to volunteer for tasks appropriate to their experience and interest and may be offered a specific role, which could potentially continue after they leave the committee. All General Committee members are Directors of Langstone Sailing Club Limited. If, as we hope, more than 2 members become nominated for the General Committee there will be an election of all Elected members.
Honorary Secretary
Within the management organisation of Langstone Sailing Club the classic roles of a Club Secretary are shared by the Directors, the Office Manager and the GCM Minutes Secretary, so the overall role of Hon Secretary is not onerous. The Directors have the legal responsibility, the Office Manager maintains the office and is a prime point of communication with the membership, and the Minutes Secretary records the proceedings of the monthly General Committee Meetings.
However the Hon Secretary in an important officer of the club and acts as the Company Secretary of Langstone Sailing Club Ltd.
As Company Secretary the responsibilities include maintaining company information in Companies House including the annual confirmation statement. The company financial information is registered with Companies House by the club's accountancy firm.
The Hon Secretary attends the monthly General Committee Meetings and contributes to any proceedings as necessary taking on specific tasks as required.
The Hon Secretary prepares and manages the two annual general meetings including the Winter AGM in Feb and the Autumn GM in Oct.
Overall the role of Hon Secretary is achievable within an easily managed workload. Good communication and IT skills are helpful and a working knowledge of the Sailing Club Manager software is to be acquired.
The role of Hon Secretary may include the responsibilities of Data Controller within the context of the General Data Protection Regulations.
Other opportunities
Estate Vacancies
Many members are stepping forward to take responsibility to help maintain and improve our club, this then constitutes their duties and they are generally able to do the work at a day and time of their choice.
Vacancies currently Filled; Grass cutting the bund, grass cutting the camping area, grass cutting the front entrance, external Window cleaning, deep cleaning the galley, a 7 Strong Roster team for maintaining a clean slip, Gardening, Toilet rolls and soap, etc.
We have a number of vacancies to fill, internal window cleaning, grass cutting, gardening, keeping front porch clean, Roster team for carpet cleaning, etc.
Should you be interested or can identify a duty that you think needs doing please contasct; Ray 07949 347 982 email
Other vacancies throughout the club, if you are interested in being a part of running your club, you can do your duties by taking responsibility for a particular job, like pressure washing and antifouling Sinbad , controlling and keeping tidy the Langstone tender pen, and more. Talk to me or any committee member.
Site Maintenance. Can You Help.
I am looking for volunteer supervisors to run weekend duties during the spring and summer, or take ownership of certain aspects of ground Maintenace, i.e. grass cutting, hedge cutting, window cleaning, etc.
Should you be interested in doing your duty for the club by taking responsibility for an area, please contact, to discuss options.
Social/House Management Team
To be able to enjoy all aspects of Langstone Sailing Club, we require a small team to oversee the fun and social aspects of our sailing community.
There are many social events that require managing to ensure that our calendar fits with sailing activities ensuring that members are able to enjoy the best of all that is on offer.
The galley is a major aspect of socializing and therefore requires managing. This involves checking on any duty rota and ensuring that those on duty follow health and safety guidelines as well as preparing tasty food.
In the past we have had a number of annual social events as well as more spontaneous ones on a 'one-off basis'.
Suggestions of new events which will continue to appeal to our evolving membership are very welcome. Refreshments, ranging from snacks to full meals will often be needed and a larger team would be required to prepare these. There is already a small but reliable group who would be able to support such events and more are sought to make a more versatile and friendly pool of members with an interest in catering.
The main clubroom furniture has been partly updated but other ideas would be welcome in helping to make this a comfortable and attractive area for members
Please contact Paula Brisley or Owen Davies if you are interested in being involved in this aspect of the sailing club.
There are numerous other opportunities to support the club ranging from small simple tasks to more complex tasks requiring special skills. If you can and wish to do more for the club just let the Commodore or Secretary know and they will help to identify appropriate tasks. Managing tasks for the club can be satisfying and enjoyable.
All management tasks undertaken by members will be recorded as one or more duties completed against their annual commitment.
If you can help, please email or
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