Junior Week 5 full days of RYA instruction, teamwork, friendship and fun.
Contact Drew juniors@langstonesc.org.uk with any enquiries
Our aim is to develop well rounded sailors who feel confident in their own ability to cope with a variety of weather and sea conditions. Completing the syllabus does not necessarily mean that your child will receive the next level of RYA certification. There may be areas where they will benefit from more time on the water to put their newly acquired skills into practise.
In addition to the RYA stages 1-4, sailing with spinnakers and seamanship that have been taught in previous years, RYA Day Sailing, RYA Start & Intermediate Racing have been added for our more advanced sailors.
Your children will benefit from instruction in small groups with seasoned instructors.
Senior Instructor Melvyn Cooper will run the course, assisted by senior instructors, and home-grown LSC dinghy instructors & LSC assistant instructors.
You will need to pick-up a yellow numbered wristband when you sign your child in/out each day. Indicate whether you are staying onsite and provide a phone number where you can be reached. Bring your child's RYA logbook (if they have one) on the first day. It will be returned at the end of the week. There will be a food sign-up sheet for children AND parents for the week. We only cater for the numbers signed up so don't miss out. Collect and pay for any Junior Week t-shirts that you have ordered.
A volunteer parent is nominated for each day to act in loco parentis for children whose parents are not onsite. You will need to fill in a daily contact form with a phone number if you are not staying and sign to authorise the person in loco parentis to act on your behalf. We encourage the parents of our newer members to make sure that their children are settled and comfortable before leaving. All parents are welcome to remain onsite and go aboard Sinbad if there is room. At the end of the day please try to be on time but if you are running late for pick-up, please text Stewart on 07563564249.
The key roles are :
Loco Parentis - looking after the children when parents are absent.
Beachmaster - Works with Lead Instructor to ensure boats and participants are launched and recovered efficiently and safely. Nobody launches without Beachmaster go-ahead. Beachmaster is a hands-off role supported by a team assigned as "shore crew" or "wet launch" who do the hands-on. The role includes all aspects of getting onto/off the water, including coordinating road crossing when necessary. Beachmaster controls access to the pontoon and vehicular access south of the clubhouse throughout Junior Week. There will be a team of Beachmasters for JW19, any one of whom can be on duty at any one time. Beachmaster will need an order of launching from the Lead Instructor. Each DI should radio several minutes prior to their return stating the boats that are returning and await permission to land. Beachmaster, through the shore crew, will ensure correct trolleys are ready. Beachmaster is the primary contact from LSC to external world via VHF or phone as required (can delegate).
Safety Boat - anybody going on the safety boats must be capable and confident driving with children in the water, and dressed to go in the water. The role normally is as assistant to the DI who will drive the boat - but they may be required to take the helm. They are expected to survey the whole group and keep the DI informed of anything noteworthy affecting the group.
Sinbad /Mylor helm and crew - Sinbad and Mylor helms must be capable and confident driving with children in the water and approved to drive the boat. Sinbad will be a "mothership" in proximity to the instructor groups whilst Mylor is under Beachmaster control and used as a ferry between the shore and Sinbad. The designated crew must be dressed to go in the water if required. Both Sinbad and Mylor may be required to tow multiple dinghies so helm and crew should be aware of the correct LSC process for towing.
Shore Crew - the shore crew assist the DI's and Juniors with rigging and moving boats in the boat park (they don't do it for them!) to be passed over to the Wet Launch team on the slipway. They store the trolleys logically so they can easily be fetched when the dinghies come back in. Shore crew operate under Beachmaster instruction.
Wet Launch - The Wet Launch team assist getting dinghies off trolleys and returning the trolleys to shore. Members should be prepared to get wet. No dinghies should be launched without explicit Beachmaster instruction and should be launched by group.
Please send your child with a daily packed lunch and a drink. To keep our hungry sailors and their families happy we are offering food for all the family to coincide with early/late finishes. Please sign up on the first day so we know how many to cater for. Food offering depends on tides time of the day.
On the BBQ evening, we ask that each family brings a salad/pud to share. There will be a food sign-up sheet to avoid duplicates. Bring your camping gear (and dancing shoes) if you and your children want to camp.
We do not allow the children to use mobile phones or games consoles during course hours. They will be collected/returned at the beginning/end of each day.
Rash vest, wetsuit, swimsuit, dinghy boots, sailing gloves, hat. (label as much as you can)
Sunscreen SPF 30+
Towel, shampoo, large plastic bag for wet gear.
RYA handbooks
Packed lunch
Money for afternoon tea/ice cream.
Payment for any pre-ordered t-shirts.
We are fortunate to have parents who take photos and video of the kids while they are sailing. They will be posted on the closed LSC Juniors page on Facebook and may be displayed in the clubhouse through the week. Videos may be put on the LSC Youtube page or Instagram account. The racing coach has advised us that he may use video footage as part of his training.
Please ensure that you and your children understand the relevant parts of the LSC Code of conduct and that you have read the Good Practice Guide for Instructor and Volunteers. (CLICK ON THE LINKS)
If you have any concerns, please talk to juniors@langstone.org.uk