This page allows you to quickly get answers to common questions - simply click on the question that interests you, and you will be taken to the right part of the website, be able to send an email or enter requested data.
1- My Membership
- What are my fees and renewals dates?
- What is the Boat Insurance Scheme?
- Why am I being asked to pay for winter storage for next year?
- What duties are there?
- How do I log in to the Members' only section of the website?
- How do I update my personal information?
- How do I update my boat information?
- How do I update my qualifications?
- How can I contact the club ?
- How do I sign up for a duty?
- How do I transfer/swap duty?
- How do I suggest any improvements?
- How do I request a new or replacement fob?
- What information is in the Member's area?
- How do I flag up the type of duties I am interested in? ( select preferences)
- Where can I find my membership card (mobile devices only)?
- Who are the committee members and club officers?
- How can I contact other club members?
- What mailing lists are there and how do I get added?
- What are my commitments as a member?
- Where can I find LSC Newsletters?
- Where can I find LSC General Committee Minutes?
- How do I access the CCTV cameras?
2- On the Water
- Where can I find the dinghy sailing & racing calendar?
- Where can I find the cruiser sailing & rally calendar?
- How do I hire a dinghy?
- How do I join in dinghy racing?
- Does the club have sailing for the disabled?
- How do I find crew members or offer to be crew?
- Where can I find information on Sailability events?
How do I report a problem with a boat?
- How do I report an accident at LSC ?
- How can I get a space in the dinghy/canoe/paddleboard park?
- How can I see my Summer Dinghy Berthing allocation?
- How can I see the tender plan on the Chichester side?
- How can I see the tender map on the Langstone side?
- Where do I find out about training?
- Where's the information about junior sailing?
- Where's the information on winter storage/lift-out or in?
- How can I get involved in the rowing?
3- Off the Water
- Where can I see the social calendar?
- What are the bar and galley opening times?
- How do I book the club room? Email to housesecretary@langstonesc.org.uk
- How do I get an article in the newsletter? Email to webmaster@langstonesc.org.uk
- How do I place a classified ad?
- How can I purchase a LSC Burgee?
- Where can I see the LSC vacancies?
- How do I report an accident at LSC ?
- Where do I find information on the Use of Electricity in the yard?