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An Introduction to Dinghy Sailing at Langstone S.C. 2023

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Published 13:55 on 28 Mar 2023

Sailors at Langstone Sailing Club have the advantage of being able to sail in both the picturesque Chichester Harbour and wide open space of Langstone Harbour offering a range of sailing conditions and challenges. The sailing calendar is put together by the Sailing Committee and offers a wide range of events for both competitive and non-competitive sailors to join in.
View the Dinghy Calendar HERE.

The events range from RYA courses to informal fun on the water social sails, from low key club racing in local waters to larger inter-club regattas and from all day cruises to the Isle of Wight or East Head to BBQs on the club balcony and club fun days hopefully something to suit all tastes. If sailing isn't your thing we also have rowing sessions and SUPs and kayaks for hire find more detail on the club website/

A patrol boat is on the water for all dinghy events, though it is your decision to go on the water and both you and your boat should be able to cope with the conditions. All events are free unless mentioned otherwise below. Additional information may be available nearer the time; on posters in the clubhouse, on the website or on the Forums. If you have any suggestions please let the Sailing Secretary know: the Club wants to run events you want to join in.

The bar is open after most events so why not come up to the bar and mingle with fellow sailors and exchange tales of on the water and top tips.

Thank you to all volunteers who enable on the water activities run. All events are run by volunteers so please volunteer for on the water duties. Further details can be found at the bottom of this document.

1. Start of Season Social and briefing

This is an event we would encourage all dinghy sailors to attend, whatever your interest and whether you are new or a seasoned hand. It is a good way to meet other sailors and to learn about the events the club is organising and how to do your duties. It is usually held in March/April. This is primarily a social event with a short briefing and plenty of opportunities to ask questions and find out whatever you want to know about sailing at Langstone SC. This year we are also holding a mini-quiz.

2. RYA courses

The Club is an RYA training establishment and offers RYA 1 and 2 courses. Run over a couple of week-ends details of these courses can be found in the club calendar/website. There is a charge and they must be booked in advance.

3. Adult Social Sails

These sessions are aimed at people who want to improve their sailing, sail with others and explore the harbour or just enjoy a sail with others. The patrol boat will usually be on the water for 2 hours from the start time, unless a special sail is shown in the calendar. Please let the leader know what you would like to get out of the session and they will try to meet your needs.This year's events include a sail around the islands in Langstone Harbour (the famous 'North West Passage' sail).
Social Sails calendar HERE

4. Try-a-Boat Day

This year there is a Try-a-boat day for club members to try the club boats including the SUPs and kayaks. Details will be available nearer the day, including on the Forum on the website.

5. Dinghy Cruises

A number of cruises are organised each year. These are non-competitive fun events. In general, every one is welcome but you will be expected to be have basic control of your boat and for it to be sea-worthy.All or some of the following will run each year:

  • East Head - A social sail to East Head (beautiful sandy beach at the eastern side of the entrance to Chichester Harbour), where we usually have a barbeque / picnic (provide your own food), go swimming, play games etc. All welcome. Spare clothing and food / drink etc can be carried in Sinbad. The nearest amenities are at Hayling Island Sailing Club on the other side of the harbour entrance (sail across) or a reasonably long walk to West Wittering. Sailability and sometimes cruisers join in this event.This is a full day event (due to the limitations of the tide in returning to the club).
  • Priory Potter (Isle of Wight) Sail down Langstone Harbour and across the Solent to the Isle of Wight for a fun day on the beach. Similar to the East Head cruise we usually have a barbeque / picnic (provide your own food), go swimming, play games etc.Spare clothing and food / drink etc can be carried in Sinbad. Sailability and sometimes cruisers join in this event.This is a full day event (due to the limitations of the tide in returning to the club). Sailors must be reasonably competent. There will be a limit on the type of dinghy that can take part for safety reasons.
  • Cobnor camping week-end Sadly we are unable to run the Cobnor Camp in 2023 as there are no facilities available to campers.
  • Dinghy Cruises calendar HERE

6. Dinghy Racing

A wide range of racing is available to club members in both Chichester and Langstone Harbours. These are run by Langstone SC and there are also interclub events run jointly by the three clubs in Langstone Harbour (Langstone, Tudor and Locks). All local clubs (Chichester and Langstone Harbours) also run Regattas that are open to all check their websites for details. All races are run on a handicap basis using the Portsmouth Yardstick system (conceived at LSC the original stick is in the club house) which allows results for different types of boats to be easily compared they can race against each other. The club has a race management app which ROs are encouraged to use (training can be given). Multihulls may not compete in racing in Chichester Harbour (except for Sailability Trimarans; Harbour Bye-laws), but can race in Langstone Harbour events. It is usually possible to race for about 2 hours either side of high tide.

The location of races is published in the Calendar but may be changed at the discretion of the Race Officer (RO) depending on weather, wind strength and other factors such as availability of club bots, other club activities etc. If, after considering the conditions, the Race Officer cancels the race their decision is final. The RYA Racing Rules of Sailing apply to club racing: rules.

Dinghy Racing calendar HERE

a) Langstone SC organised racing

These events are all organised and run by volunteers from the Club. Newcomers of all abilities (no requirement to have raced before) are always welcome and the emphasis is on enjoying yourself and having fun.

For Club run racing the duration of each race is variable but on average the Race Officer will try and plan it so if there is one race it will last about 90 minutes for average boats (though handicaps will mean this is just an approximation and fast boats are likely to take less time and slow boats longer). On days with more than one race each race will be shorter so the required number of races can be run with the tide availability.

Races usually follow one of the pre-determined courses, details of which are on the notice board. They can be a little confusing to newcomers but the Sailing Committee or any experienced racer will be happy to explain them.

Most of these events have trophies which are usually awarded at the Autumn prize giving party. Occasionally prize-giving is immediately after the series has been completed (e.g. Regatta / Prentice Plate).

  • Handicap Series (Easter, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Evening, Mini) - These events are competed for over a number of days during the season, apart from the mini-series which is generally three races on one day. Races can be in either Chichester of Langstone Harbour, and the location is usually shown in the calendar. They may be split into different classes (fast, medium/ slow), with different courses set for different speed boats, or run as a one-start series depending on the number of boats racing. Once a series has started the class split must remain the same for all races in that series. Usually there will be one race when held in Chichester Harbour and two or three in Langstone Harbour.
  • Pro-Am challenges Multiple races on one day where competent racers (Pros) are paired with less experienced sailors (Ams). A great opportunity to learn about racing and improve your sailing. Generally run in Laser 2000s. Visions and Quests. Booking essential.
  • Moonlight Race - This race is run on a full(ish) moon late in the evening to experience being on the water in the dark. All competitors must bring lights and be fairly competent sailors.
  • Hudson Cup - This is a fun seamanship race and the RO has the discretion to make up the basic rules. This could include doing multiple tacks / gybes / turns on specified legs of the race, sailing backwards, identifying set buoys and leaving it to the competitors to go round them in any order, racing start from the shore etc. A laugh is guaranteed!
  • Bart's Bash A fun charity race (small charge applies) for dinghies held in Langstone Harbour. Little experience required we want to get lots of boats on the water so make sure this is in your diary!

b) Open Events / Interclub Events

Open events are events, run either by Langstone SC or other clubs, that are open to all comers. There may be a small charge which may cover light refreshments etc after the racing. Races are generally a little longer than for normal club racing. There is usually additional publicity for these events see notice board / club website/ Forum for further details (starts, times, start location and cost).

  • LSC Regatta - The Club Regatta, along with Prentice Plate and Hollingshead Trophy event, are the flagship events for the Club. Boats from neighbouring clubs (and anyone else who wishes to join in) are invited to join us for the event. It may be one or more races and is usually split into fast, medium and slow handicap classes. It is always good to get a good turn out for these events so please try and support it. It is followed by tea and cake in the Club House and prize-giving.
  • Prentice Plate / Hollingshead Trophy - Similar to the Club Regatta, usually with a fast, medium and slow start (trophy each). May be held in either Langstone or Chichester Harbour.
  • Wild Goose Chase A race held in Langstone Harbour for competitor's from Langstone, Locks and Tudor Clubs, usually towards the harbour entrance (so allow time to get there).

Interclub Series - A series of races held between the clubs in Langstone Harbour (Tudor / Locks and Langstone). Usually comprising Clubs Regattas and the Wild Goose Chase Most races start in the vicinity of Sinah ski platform (depending on wind direction) so plenty of time (up to an hour) must be allowed to get to the start area. The patrol boat may need to tow boats to and from the race area if wind conditions are light or if boats are slow (such as toppers). Generally for more experienced racers. There is no charge for these events (and no teas!).

Wild Goose Chase - An open event for Langstone Harbour Clubs. This event is organised in turn by different Langstone Harbour clubs. As for the Interclub series the start is usually down towards the harbour entrance so time must be left to get to the start area. It may be a standard race around thebuoys or a pursuit race. Sometimes this is run as a pursuit race where boats start at intervals according to their Portsmouth Yardstick handicap number. A list of planned start times will be available a day or so before the race. Slower boats start first, followed by the faster ones, the theory being that all cross the finish line together if sailed to handicap. First across the line at the finish time wins. The race aims to be approximately 120 minutes long for the slowest boats (shorter for faster ones).More details near the event.

Other Clubs' Regattas - Most clubs around both harbours hold a regatta this can be a single one race event or may be over a week-end with several races. Langstone boats are welcome to attend these races though generally a patrol boat from the club does not attend so you will be on your own sailing to the start. Those closest to Langstone are advertised in the Club calendar and further details can be found on the host clubs website. Some regattas are difficult to sail to, allowing for tidal launch times from the club, so please ensure you have enough water to return, or trail your boat round to the host club. There is usually a small charge which covers teas after the race.

Chichester Harbour Race Week - This is a large well organised week long regatta, with in the region of 400 boats taking part. It is organised by Chichester Harbour Federation (bringing together all the clubs in Chichester Harbour) and hosted by Hayling Island Sailing Club. There are many different starts; some fleet and some general handicap (depending on boats entered). It is held in mid-August. Details are available at or on the club notice board closer to the event. There are evening social events organised during the week. You can sail in all races or just choose the days you want to sail.

Class Open Meetings Class open meetings may be held at clubs around the Harbours - check you class association website for details.The format will be dependent on the type of classes catered for and the number of boats expected.

7. Junior Events

There is a wide range of events arranged for the younger members of the club ranging from Juniors in Boats (JIBs) sessions, the Junior Regatta and Junior Training Week. Experienced juniors are welcometo join in adult racing and events. Junior events can be found on the club calendar or by contacting the Junior Rep.

8. Sailablility

The Club has a strong Sailability section that offers opportunities to disabled people to get out and have fun on the water. A wide range of boats are available to cater for most needs. Further details can be obtained by contacting the Sailability Section of the Club.

9. Personal safety

Club Sailing Instructions require adequate personal buoyancy to be worn during all club events and failure to do so WILL result in disqualification or being asked to return to shore immediately.

You MUST sign on and off for all events / races. This also enables the Race Officer/Patrol Boat Driver to ensure that all competitors return safely to shore after the session.

The signing on book is kept on the table in the Clubhouse foyer. It is the Race Officer's responsibility to check that all boats return.

10. On the Water duties

We are often short of people volunteering to do on the water duties: Race Officer, Assistance Race Officer, Patrol Boat Driver, Assistant Patrol Boat Driver and cruise/event organisers. It can get cold out on the water even when the weather is good so always take spare clothing. Buoyancy Aids must be worn by all doing duties. All people doing duties will get their feet wet so wear suitable footwear. Remember to take other personal items you may need such as a thermos with a hot drink, cold drink, snacks, sun screen etc. For an event to run there must be two people in the patrol boat (except club approved advanced power boat drivers).

  • Patrol Boat Driver the driver should ideally be qualified to RYA Level 2 Powerboat and must have done a familiarisation session with the Bosun or nominated club officer. If interested in doing your Level 2, or safety boat, qualification please contact the Bosun (costs apply). For Social Sailing where there is no Race Officer rostered you will be responsible for deciding if the event should run (checking weather etc).
  • Patrol Boat Assistant the Patrol Boat Assistant is there to help launch and recover the patrol boat, assisting laying racing buoys and help out on the water as required. They will need to attired so they can go into the water if the need arises - in the winter and early / late season this will mean a dry-suit and at other times an appropriate wet-suit.
  • Race Officer (RO) The RO runs the event and organises it to suit the conditions and those taking part. Their decision is final if they decide to the cancel. We are very short of trained Race Officers and will be running Race Officer training. We encourage all dinghy racers, and those who would like to help run races (no experience required) to attend. A simple guide to running a race can be found on the web and the club notice board.
  • Race Officer Assistant RO Assistants are rostered for events in Langstone Harbour (when Sinbad has to be moved is there to be the Committee (start / finish) Boat. Their duties may include: helping with anchoring Sinbad, starting / finishing the race (blowing the horn, timing, raising / lowering flags as instructed), taking note of times competitors complete laps and the race, helping put equipment away.
  • Event organisers / helpers many events need additional people for them to run, for example East Head cruise, Cobnor sail and camp, Open days and fun days. This may include being the main event organiser, helping with pre-event organisation, driving kit to Cobnor, helping with activities for fun days etc. If you can help please let the Sailing Committee know.

Please sign up for On the Water Duties HERE or contact the Sailing Secretary ( or Mark and Jane ( to volunteer. We need your help as if we do not have enough volunteers some events may have to be cancelled. Thank you.

Happy Sailing. . .

Last updated; March 2023

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