Galley and House August News
Published 22:29 on 22 Aug 2023
Thank you to all those who have supported the Galley either by completing duties or consuming the goodies. We have had some wonderful specials prepared recently and they certainly seem to be popular. We are trialling a 'Sign-Up' for Specials. If there is a special, it will be listed on the Club Website and a form for you to complete. This will ensure a) you will be fed & b) the numbers can be provided for. Don't worry if you don't sign up as there will be a few extras and you may be lucky, the galley dishes will still be available.
There are a few weekends still needing galley duty sign-up time is running out to get those duties in before the end of the year penalties: Galley Volunteer HERE
Lastly, a gentle reminder: There are no 'Galley Fairies' to magically keep it clean and tidy. If you take clean items froma cupboard, please ensure you wash, dry and put away again. It is unfair to assume others will clear up after you (including wiping the worktops clean).
Clubhouse: We have taken delivery of the new patio furniture; we hope you enjoy using it in the summer weather!! If you removethe cushions outside can we ask you return them to the clubhouse to ensure they don't blow away or get wet, thank you! I will also be looking to purchase some deck chair type seating to hunker down behind the glass screens.Watch out for those!