Commodores News - March 2025
Published 11:05 on 14 Mar 2025
March is upon us, which means that soon the cruisers will be back in the water and the dinghies can re-occupy their summer berths, ready for the sailing season.
Work is well underway refurbishing the pontoon. Ray and his team are still aiming to launch the pontoon in time for lift-in.
We have added a new notice board in the club room. This is part of our communication strategy to improve the flow of information from the committee to you, the members. Minutes of Committee Meetings, and also General Meetings are being posted on the notice board, and we aim to do this within one week of the meetings.
There is also a "Questions and Suggestions" box next to the notice board. Any notes posted in the box will be considered at the next committee meeting and responses included in the minutes. Alternatively, you are always free to contact committee members at
To make room for the notice board we are moving the yardstick and pictures of Les Hudson and Sinbad Milledge. We are also adding plaques to state who these founder members were.
We are still looking for members to join or help the committee. We are in need of a Club Secretary and an Assistant to the Membership Secretary. Details of these roles can be found on the notice board and on the website We are also looking for members with IT skills to help us run the club systems.
John Bassford