REPORT Environmental Focused Events Sunday 9th June
Published 01:00 on 15 May 2024
*********** Report by Katharine Hulls and Claire Ashton ******************
- Sailing Kit: swapping, sharing and finding

To support Great Big Green Week 2024(, the UK's biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature, we ran our own "Big Swap" on Sunday 9th June. Our two rails of preloved clothing, including buoyancy aids, wetsuits, lifejackets and more, were available for people to take from or add to. These rails are for people to pass on preloved items that still have plenty of life left in them, whether that's lifejackets children have grown out of, wetsuits that are no longer needed, or offshore kit that won't be going offshore more.
By bringing along and swapping, taking or borrowing items, not only do we support sustainability and environmental causes we also save a few pounds for us all too. So, if you have items you no longer need, please do pop them onto a hangar and onto that rail. And if you're in the market for new kit do all to visit the rail before spending money.
- Big Paddle Clean Up:
Sadly, this was unable to take place on Sunday as it was too windy for Paddle boards. We will attempt to do a Paddle board litter-pick next time that the weather is favourable on one of the paddle board events already in the calendar.
Big Paddle Clean up, The Big Swap and
the start of The Green Blue Wildlife Awareness week.
Do come and join us for our Environmental Focused Events after the
Long Distance Race on Sunday 9th June
- The Big Paddle Clean Up 2024: Sunday 9th June 3-5pm
In 2023, over 2,600 paddlers took part in a bid to clear their local waterways of junk and plastic pollution, while raising more public awareness of the issue. About 1,800 huge sacks were filled containing 6,767 plastic bottles, 2,739 glass bottles, 4,403 cans and 7,682 food packaging items.
This year Langstone Sailing Club will be taking part on Sunday 9th June from 3-5pm by combining a litter pick with an outing to the oyster beds near the club which are only accessible by water.
Litter picking equipment will be provided but bring your own 'heavy duty' gloves and good shoes or wetboots for walking on the fairly rough foreshore.
If you have a paddleboard or kayak, please feel free to join us, but don't forget you can also hire a board/kayak from the club.
- The Great Big Green Week - The Big Swap : Sunday 9th June 3-5pm
"The Great Big Green Week is the UK's biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature."
The focus this year is the Big Swap. This is an initiative to swap what we don't need. We have an abundance of good quality clothing and buoyancy aids in the boat store. This is often used by juniors who have grown out of their clothes and need the next size up or adults that have upgraded but there is plenty of life left in what they no longer require. We will have these items outside the clubhouse between 3-5pm. Please come and have a look at what is available to take away or to borrow. Also, if you would like to bring down any preloved clothing items you would like to pass on then please do, as long as they are in good condition. The rail will be available inside the boat shed after the event as this is an ongoing facility.
For items other than clothing, please use the advertising notice board downstairs or the CLASSIFIEDS tab on the website to pass things on.(you need to be logged in to post items)
- Boating Wildlife Awareness Week: 10-14 June.
As wildlife awareness week starts on Monday I wanted to bring your attention to it now.
I am sure you are well aware now of the Anchoring with care, Boating around Wildlife and Invasive species posters and leaflets that are available in the club, but there is a link to them below.
Any questions please contact Claire Ashton at