Sailability News FEBRUARY/MARCH
Published 09:15 on 28 Sep 2023
- Denmead Scout Donation
On February 21st, Langstone Sailability received a generous cheque from the Denmead Scouts, totalling an impressive £460.24. The Scout group, who have been supporting Langstone Sailability for over 15 years, raised the funds through their annual Santa round the Village collections.
The members and helpers of Langstone Sailability extend their heartfelt thanks to both the Denmead Scout Group and the residents of Denmead for their generous contributions this year. Langstone Sailability, a local charity, is dedicated to providing sailing experiences to individuals with disabilities.
Thank you once again Denmead Scout Group, we look forward to seeing you in the summer
- Beetle Drive
Sailability held a Beetle Drive with ploughman's, which was very well attended. There was also a raffle and approximately
£430 was made.
- Skiff Rowing
8 people went skiff rowing on Sunday for a couple of hours, the weather was ideal and everyone had a good time.
Sailability News JANUARY
Langstone Sailability held a Race Night last October to raise funds .- The next fundraiser is a Beetledrive on Saturday the 10th of February . Tickets are now on sale at £8 per person to include a ploughman's .
Originally we held this event using wooden horses but as we are a Sailing Club we believed it was more appropriate to use boats.
The Hayling Men's Shed organisation kindly made the vessels shown in the photo taken on the evening of the event.
This popular event was well attended and, from ticket sales and a raffle, we raised £540
Contact for tickets is Andy Anderson on 07587 707009 or email.
- We're delighted to share that Darren Flynn will be cycling from London to Amsterdam, sum 335+ miles over 4 days this September 2024, to raise funds and awareness for our incredible charity.
- Langstone Sailability invited a group from Enable Ability to experience boating with us in August.
- On the 9th of September we visited Tudor sailing Club..

Darren has been involved in Langstone Sailability for the past 20 or so years, and has set himself this challenge to help raise much needed awareness of our charity and funds.
We will keep you posted on his progress throughout his preparation,
We have added. Link to his just giving page below and ask if you can, please support him.
#langstoneharbour #langstonesailabilty #havant #hanpshire #charity #RYA
Sailability News NOVEMBER
Once lift out was completed Sailability had work parties on a Saturday morning to ensure the boats were stored ready for next season.
We were tasked with taking the barnacles from the bottom of Joyce and Hilary Farrow and general maintenance completed.
Skiff Rowing sessions have been arranged but unfortunately 2 have already been cancelled due to the weather conditions but we have others scheduled for 26 th November and 16th December.
Please look at the Sailability diary for future events.
Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.
Sailability News SEPTEMBER

Enable ability is a Charity , based in Portsmouth, which has the general aims of contributing to the quality of life of disabled people and those related to them.
We entertained a group of youngsters in the age group 13 to 18 years old with both on the water and onshore activities.
We timed our arrival to perfection as the bar had just been opened.
A very pleasant sail, in light winds, although sailing up the channel proved challenging manoeuvring between an "Armada" of canoeists, followed by windsurfers and paddle boarders.