Modern Jive Introductory Lessons 2024 REPORT

Published 13:51 on 1 Jan 2024
Report Modern Jive Lessons at LSC by Trevor
Jiving the night away
Who knew that Sunday nights at LSC could be such fun!
A big thank you to all the couples who joined us to gain an appreciation for modern jive and to dance their way through the dark Sundays of January.
Who knows, possible contenders for the next season of Strictly
Like last year, we've had a great mix of couples, all keen to dance themselves dizzy and give 100% some having jived before, others completely new to the fun of jive, but all with a love of music and social dancing.
By the end of the month every couple was spinning and returning like professionalshonestly, and all finished the 4th week with a routine they can now personalise and dance to around their own kitchen or strut their stuff at one of the LSC music nights.
And in February there is also going to be a LSC field trip to a local 'proper' jive night so they can put it all into practice and see just howpopular jiving is.
And here is the photo to prove it
Modern Jive Dancing, also known as Le Roc & Ceroc, is the UK's most popular social dance.
It is easy to learn and can be danced to a wide range of music some say it is the best fun you can have keeping fit.
Sharon & I (keen dancers but not qualified instructors) are looking to offer our fellow members 4 x (2 hour).
The 4 weekly introductory lessons will run from the 7th to 28th January 202.
Start time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm at LSC.
This is the booking form for the Modern Jive Introductory Lessons to be held in the club room during January:
At the end of the 4 week's you will feel comfortable (hopefully) dancing a variety of beginner dance moves and putting them into a routine that you can use anywhere or even at a LSC music night!
If you fancy joining and dancing the night away, then book early as places are limited to approximately 10 pairs.
All we ask is that you sign up for the 4 weeks and you book as a pair of dancers.
Bar will be open.
(Please note that all participants are involved at Their Own Risk)