Important information about Langstone Bridge by HCC
Published 18:24 on 10 Mar 2024
Hampshire County Council will shortly be carrying out a detailed inspection and survey of Langstone bridge.
The contractor will be using a small area of the public car park at the north end of Langstone bridge as a site compound, as outlined in red below.
Inspection is programmed to start on Monday 18th March and last for 10 weeks, but the contactor plans to set up the compound on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday immediately before the 18th.
Access for the inspection will be from pontoons and scaffolding underneath the bridge, so no traffic control is planned on the A3023.
I will keep you updated with any changes, but if you need more information please contact me.
Phil Yexley Philip Yexley BSc CEng MICEProject Engineer (Structures)Engineering ServicesUniversalServices DirectorateHampshire County CouncilThe Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD
Please note I work part-time normally Monday am - wfh, Wednesday and Thursday office